St. Athanasius Parish is very pleased to offer a new CD of traditional Easter songs and hymns, in both English and Ukrainian!*
- Христос Воскрес! / Christ Is Risen! (Easter Tropar, Tone 5)
- Exapostilarion from Paschal Matins (Світильний: «Плоттю Заснувши»)
- The Angel Greeted You (from The Matins Paschal Canon, Ode 9, Ірмос: «Ангел Сповіщав»)
- Согласно Заспіваймо / Let Us Joyfully All Sing
- This Is The Day (Sung to the melody of «Христос Воскрес! Під Небазвід», о. Й Кишакевич)
- Христос Воскресе! / Arise & Rejoice!
- Christ Is Risen: On That First Day (Sung to the melody of «Христос Воскрес! Велично Дзвін», translation by Rev. R. Luzney)
- Rejoice! Rejoice! (Sung to the melody of «Христос Воскрес! Ликуйте Нині», о. В. Стех)
- Christ Is Risen! Come And Rejoice! (Sung to the melody of «Христос Воскрес! Веселий День»)
- Христос Воскрес! Радість з Неба / With The Risen Christ, Rejoice!
- Paschal Stichera, Tone 5 (excerpts from Easter Matins)
- Jesus Lord Has Now Ascended (sung to the melody of «Понад Сонце» о. І. Дуцько)
* Words can be found by clicking HERE
This recording was recently completed by several members of our Parish Choir while following the 2021 pandemic protocols including wearing masks and physical distancing while recording. This was an intensive labour of love. The music that resulted is a heartfelt expression of the Joy of the Resurrection that we wish to share with you!
If a digital download is your preference, please contact Fr. Vasyl at vasyltymishak@gmail.com and a link will be sent to you for a download. Words to these songs are on our website: https://st-athanasius.ca/nl/liturgical-text
The Physical CD’s are available by contacting us at stathanasius@sasktel.net or call parish office at 306-543-8008 (Tuesday-Thursday 10:00 a.m. – 2:00p.m.)
We wish you Peace and Joy this Easter Season and beyond!
Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen! Христос Воскрес! Воістину Воскрес!
With Paschal Joy,
Singers & Fr. Vasyl