St. Athanasius Seniors Club was started in 1992-93 by Ted Riddell with 39 members. The purpose of the club is to provide fellowship for seniors of our parish. Any parishioners 55 years of age and over are welcome to join.
The club supports the parish in various activities i.e. catering to funeral luncheons, purchasing items for the church (example: icons, vestments) and donating money to the parish.
Some of the activities of our club are breakfast every first Tuesday of the month and Divine Liturgy followed by meetings every second Thursday of the month followed by an event. At Christmas time and in June we have a catered meal followed by a social evening.
At the present time we have 48 members. Enrollment fee is $5.00 to any parishioner who is 55 years and over. If interested in joining our club please call the parish office @ 306-543-8008 or President Angeline Lawryk @ 306-543-7623.