The responsibilities of the Liturgical Committee are to continue to make the Divine Liturgy and other liturgical celebrations active worship of the congregation under the guidance of our Parish Priest.
Preparation and Co-ordination of:
- Arrange and co-ordinate readers, ushers, Ministers of Communion, and others as needed.
- Provide necessary decorations as needed for the season/event, i.e. tomb on Good Friday, Christmas and Thanksgiving decorations.
- Order and arrange flowers for Easter, Christmas, etc. These are paid for by the Parish.
- Arrange to have plants watered as required.
- Arrange and assist for spring and fall cleaning of the church proper and sacristy.
- Purchase, repair, replace vestments, liturgical books and vessels as required.
- Arrange to make or purchase Communion bread.
- Responsible for washing of purification/chalice towels.
- Maintain Memorial Fund.
- Arrange for personnel to collect memorial bequests, liturgy intentions or building fund donations at prayer services and/or funerals in our parish.
- Purchase icons for presentation to spouse/family members of deceased parishioner if funeral is held at St. Athanasius Parish
- Ensure written and financial statements are prepared for inclusion in the AGM booklets.